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Hayden Lightfoot

How long have you been running? I began running in April 2021 as part of a weight loss journey. I was completely unhappy, unhealthy, and miserable. I knew something needed to change but wasn’t sure where to start. I decided to give running a try. At first, I really couldn’t stand it. After sticking with it for a while and learning more about it, I began to really enjoy it. Here we are; 3.5 years later, having lost 70+lbs, and I’m by far the happiest I’ve ever been! Now running is who I am. It’s such a huge part of my life, I wouldn’t want it any other way!

Tell us about your run club. BON Running Club is a Houston based run club that has weekly runs from Little Woodrow’s Rice Village. This club is my home base! They’ve always been welcoming to all runners(new or experienced). I’ll never forget how intimidated I was the first time I showed up to BON but it immediately felt like home. At BON, it’s not about pace or distance, it’s all about community and friendships!

What is your favorite memory from your run club? I will never forget the feeling of my first marathon (Chevron Houston Marathon 2022). The crowd support and the way all the runners support each other, it truly is amazing to see and to be a part of. Prior to this race, I was telling myself I was a “one and done” marathoner. However, the feeling I got during this race made that not an option. After finishing and realizing I might or could do just a little better, I decided to try again…. Several more times. With intentions of doing many more in the future! The feeling of qualifying for Boston for the first time in January 2024 was indescribable.

Slow down, trust the process, and enjoy the journey. You only get the live the journey once, don’t rush it! Find yourself a group because the running community is the best in the world!


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